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Peruvian duo Dengue Dengue Dengue announces third album, Zenit & Nadir via Enchufada

The iconic masked DJs duo gets back on Branko’s label.

Crédit photo : Hilda-Melissa-Holguin

After debuting in 2012, Dengue Dengue Dengue established themselves as a driving force in the thriving South American digital cumbia scene, but have since expanded their hybrid approach to music to introduce more references such as kuduro and zouk – and more recently the Afro-Peruvian styles – which they fuse with traditional Latin American rhythms to build a sonic identity that is hypnotic and dark, while simultaneously festive and life-affirming. These new influences are already hinted in the first single “Ágni”, which is the inversion of the traditional Afro-Peruvian rhythm Ingá.

They continue expanding their carefully created aesthetic on their new album Zenit & Nadir by diving into the deep and rich musical history of Afro-Peruvian music above mentioned. The ongoing exploration of the vast and rich musical heritage of the descendants of the former African slaves in Peru has become the main focus of their new album.

Zenit & Nadir, out on October 4 via Enchufada. Discover the cover below and pre-command the album here.

Read After : With Enchufada Na Zona, Branko compiles club music from all over the world

dengue dengue dengue
