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Sahel Sounds invites Amaria Hamadahler on their ephemeral EP series via WhatsApp

For the year of 2020, Sahel Sounds presents “Music from Saharan WhatsApp.” Every month, the label release an EP from a musical group in the Sahel recorded on a cellphone, transmitted over WhatsApp, and uploaded to Bandcamp, where it will live for one month only.

It’s accompanied by her guitar and her radiant voice that the Nigerien Amara Hamadahler recorded this 5th EP of the “Music from the Saharan WhatsApp”. 

Member of the Les Filles de de Illighadad collective since 2018, Amariam Hamadalher comes from Goufat, a small village outside of Agadez, Niger, a city renowned as the center of modern Tuareg guitar. Playing guitar for over 15 years, Amariam has the distinction of being the first and only woman guitarist in the region.

After the Nigeriens Etran de l’Air, the Malian group Alkibar Junior and the Malian singer Oumou Diabaté accompanied by Kara Show Koumba Frifri, it is now up to Amaria Hamadahler from the Goufat village in Niger to get in front of her phone and record these 4 tracks from a grandiloquent project.

The EP is now available on Bandcamp here. 100% of the sales will go directly to the artist or group. After one month, the album will be replaced by another one, until the end of the year.
